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What To Look For In A Tutor

What To Look For In A Tutor  

At Partners with Parents, we think that if we're going to live up to our name and be true partners to the parents of New York City, transparency must be a core value. So as families think about the needs of their child when it comes to a tutor, test prep specialist, or homeschool teacher, we thought we would share what we look for when we bring someone onto our roster.
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Starting the School Year Off Right

Starting the School Year Off Right  

In New York City, the beginning of each school year is always a time to try to reinvigorate your child's educational pursuits. But putting together the right program and setting the right, sustainable, and realistic goals can be a challenge in itself. Over the years our tutors, educational specialists, and counselors have compiled a few ideas about how to get the year off to the right start.

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Tutoring Tips

Tutoring Tips  

Ideally, tutors are self-defeating: we think our tutors are so good they should eventually make themselves redundant. That's because the theory we maintain about tutoring is that at its best it doesn't impart content so much as teach learning. That makes the following post about how we think about tutoring something like a mission statement.
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What Are Your Ideal Study Conditions?

What Are Your Ideal Study Conditions?  

Part of the art of learning is learning how you learn. That might sounds circular but it isn't. At Partners with Parents, one of the main things we try to do with the New York families we work with is help students figure out and learn how to implement the habits and strategies that work best for them. 
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5 Things You Can Do . . . To Stay Academically Fit

5 Things You Can Do . . . To Stay Academically Fit  

Amid all the distractions and pressures of education in NYC, students and parents can benefit enormously by developing good habits and keeping in academic "fighting trim." Our expert tutors have helped us compile the following strategies for sustainable educational success. This is parenting and learning advice that can help every family work together to maximize their achievement.
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